Saturday, January 24, 2009

Finals Aren't My Specialty

So I'm trying my best to get some more sketch time in,
but unfortunately,
my schedule's been consumed
with studying for various tests I have
coming up. Thankfully, however,
my school doesn't have midterms.
We just splurge all our acquired knowledge out
during finals. However, I'm taking two semester
long courses, Econ and Government.
The semester ends on the 27th, so the 26th
and 27th are the finals for Government,
before we move forward to Econ.
Unfortunately... I haven't touched any of the materials
for studying until now.
Hurray for me.
I'll try my best to sneak in a few sketches,
but otherwise, consider me neck deep
in studying.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My friend Alex is having her 16th birthday
on the 19th, which coincidentally is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
So, I drew something for her,
but sadly it won't be delivered until the day
AFTER her birthday. I hope she won't be too
upset. I drew her favorite actress, Katherine Moennig.
I just hope she likes it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So, I finished the picture that I've been working
on that was inspired by Moulin Rouge.
It took roughly 3 hours combined work,
but since I've been busy with school, it took
a couple days to find the time I needed.
It was inspired by my favorite song in
the entire movie called "El Tango De Roxanne"
It may not be a masterpiece,
but hey, I tried.
My friend Jenna and I have a very strange
addiction to funny, pointless, love-storyish movies.
So, she and I are having a movie marathon over
this weekend. It'll give me the opportunity to do
some crazy sketches, and it'll let her go completely nuts
singing along to the movies with me.
Our planned list?
Moulin Rouge (For the 120,934,812,047,294th time)
The Birds
And anymore we happen to find lying
around my house.
Possibly Lord of the Rings, Starwars,
something of that nature.

Monday, January 12, 2009

So, over the weekend, I went out to the movie store
to rent Moulin Rouge, since I had a craving for scandalous
comedy with a love story twisted in. Only problem:
The store only sold it, didn't rent it out.
I was very upset.
Then my dad happens to be flicking through
the TV channels, and it ends up on E.
And wouldn't you know it: Moulin Rouge was playing.
So after I finished watching,
guess what?
My creative spark came back.
I started a picture with Moulin Rouge's theme in mind.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Past Works

These are a few pictures that I have worked on over the past few months.
Some of them are even from last year and earlier.
I'll see how many I can dig up off my computer.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Well, this blog has been created for two main purposes:
1) It was an assignment from my mentor and art teacher, Matt Ryan.
2)This is a much easier way to post my work and what's been going on
rather than resorting to Deviantart.
For as long as I can, I'll be using this blog as a journal for my
newest pieces of work in my art classes and in my general free
time. Hopefully it will last longer than my art lessons.